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  • #1416117

    At the bottom of my front page, I had inserted a code for a chatbot.
    The code is still there but the chatbot has disappeared.
    Is it somewhere in the settings that I changed without realizing or what could it be?


    Hey Gagik,
    Check Advanced ▸ Responsive ▸ Element Visibility to see if it is hidden

    Best regards,


    No hidden. Hi Mike!


    there are apparently several things on my site that have become invisible


    The link you posted returns the error: The transfer you requested has been deleted
    Perhaps a admin login and a screenshot of the missing items would be better.

    Best regards,


    You have


    Perhaps you have posted the login in another thread, but please note that we don’t have an easy way to find this or to know if it is still valid, so for each thread please post the admin login details. Thank you for understanding.

    Best regards,


    DId you get that?


    Please post the admin login in the Private Content area, try going to the forum and posting, I’m not sure that you can do it from an email notification reply if that is what you are tring to do.

    Best regards,




    Hope you get that. don’t forget please to look at the chatbot that is gone. Thanks!


    chatbase.co Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 401 ()
    401 means Unauthorized response so it seems that chatbase.co doesn’t like your code, try checking where you got it from.
    As for your top columns, it looks like you cloned the section so the negative margin had the two rows of columns stacked, I adjusted so they are not stacked, please clear your browser cache and check.

    Best regards,


    What you had done with the columns, can you describe in a little more detail, because it is the same as before. Check for yourself please


    if you explain where in the settings and how, I can do it myself next time


    Hi Mike, I have cleared the cache and browsed using Chrome and Safari. I don’t see my columns. Do you see it?


    I see the adjustments I made are in the page revisions, odd
    Nonetheless, currently your color section #services has two rows of three columns, each row has a negative top margin of -80px so these columns are on top of each other.
    Each of these rows needs to be in it’s own color section, so clone the color section #services and in the top version remove all elements except the first three columns, and change the color section bottom margin to 160px. Then in the second cloned color section remove the first three columns and change the color section custon ID, each ID on a page should be unique. Then in the first column look in the rows settings and change the top margin from -80px to 160px, that should be about right.
    Adjust the top and bottom margins of the columns in the two color sections until the columns have the amount of space between them so you are happy.
    I see that you changed your chatbase.co code but you are still getting errors, I see that they offer a plugin Chatbase perhaps give that a try.

    Best regards,


    Thanks so much!


    Glad we were able to help, if you have any further questions please create a new thread and we will gladly try to help you. Thank you for using Enfold.

    Best regards,

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