Changing transparent header to another color when scrolling down. I have it set to shrink but can’t figure out how to change color.
I need to apologize because this is the 3rd enfold theme as I have purchased and I know it is a setting error on my part but can’t figure it out. My apologies in advance, as I know I am missing something.
Hey jubileephotography,
Did you try setting the background color to the logo area under Enfold->General Styling?
Best regards,
Yes, it will achieve what is needed but remove the starting transparency header color.
Please try the following css code.
.header_color.header-scrolled .header_bg, .header_color .main_menu ul ul, .header_color .main_menu .menu ul li a, .header_color .pointer_arrow_wrap .pointer_arrow, .header_color .avia_mega_div, .header_color .av-subnav-menu > li ul, .header_color .av-subnav-menu a {
background-color: rgba(560, 54, 94, .5);
Best regards,