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  • #391463

    Hi there

    I’m new to the Enfold theme (and pretty new to wordpress generally).

    Most of the titles set into items such as the icon lists are all caps. How do I change them so that they are always upper and lower case (I never want to have all caps on any title)

    I love the theme by the way!



    Hi CharlotteDesorgher!

    Thank you for using our theme.

    In custom.css or Enfold->Styles->QuickCSS put the following:

    h1, h2, h3, h4, h5, h6 {
        text-transform: none !important;

    This should help for many cases.

    But there are sometimes other tags wrapped. Come back with a link to the page, so we can give you the correct CSS for the situation.



    It worked perfectly!! Thank you :)

    I’ll come back to you if it hasn’t worked for any bits I need.



    Glad we could help you. I leave this post open for later requiries to this topic.

    Enjoy the theme.

    Best regards,


    I’m using a child theme, which only really accesses style.css

    As such, I added that code into style.css on the child theme and it doesn’t seem to do the trick.

    I’ve also attempted to copy over /css/custom.css but that doesn’t seem to do the trick either.

    Any thoughts on how to get rid of the capitalization on all Headers?



    Please post the link to your website. We may need a temporary admin login as well


    This reply has been marked as private.


    Please let us know when your website is publicly visible and we will gladly look into it :)



    That’s the issue, it’s on a dev server, which is why I’m using a modified hosts file to work on it. I can’t make it live until I get it looking the way I need it and it’s a complete overhaul from a former theme.

    Do you recommend another way I can use my dev server to work on it that doesn’t involve a hosts file? I figured a subdomain might cause issues with WordPress and setting up any hard links.



    There are several ways of using a live server so that it’s not visible to the public, but in order for us to help you we need access to it in some way.

    Best regards,


    It takes 5 seconds to make an entry in your local hosts file. Unfortunately, I don’t control DNS for this domain and am simply working on the WordPress side of things. I’d love to make it easier for you, but that’s not possible in the short term.

    If it’s at all possible for you to do that and take look, I’d really appreciate it. I know it’s not normal procedure, but it would help greatly.



    Are all css modifications not working when you put it inside the style.css file? Note that you can also add it on Enfold > General Styling > Quick CSS field. Please let us know once the site is live.



    Looks like someone was able to get in and poke around—thanks so much. After some more digging, it appears that making the following change in the Child style.css file did the trick:

    .template-page .entry-content-wrapper h1, .template-page .entry-content-wrapper h2{
    text-transform: none !important;
    letter-spacing: 0;

    For me, making the recommended change in the second post above didn’t do it. Perhaps this can help someone else trying to accomplish the same thing.

    Thanks again!



    Glad you found a solution. Enjoy the theme.


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