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  • #809676

    I am experimenting with the possibilities of the enfold theme.
    The setting do not allow to change the styling of the sidebar independently,
    When the Main content is changed, the sidebar styling follows these changes.

    My intention is to style the sidebar in the same way as the footer or the alternate content area.

    Could you give me hints what to change in enfold theme to style the sidebar in the same way like “Alternate Content Ares” or like “Footer”?

    May be there is another theme which has this capability?

    Thank You,, Franz


    Hey ffiala,

    Thank you for using Enfold!

    Would you mind providing a precise link to your site, showing the elements in question? We need to be able to inspect them in order to help :)

    Best regards,


    My site is
    The name of the page is “Franz”, formated “brown on white”.
    The sidebar is on the right side.
    Both, the horizontal bar containing the breadcrumbs and the footer arre formated “white on brown”.
    But the sidebar on the right s formated like the main content and i cannot find a setting where this could be changed.
    I want it to be like the title bar “white on brown”.

    In my opinion there is a main differenve between the main content an all other areas in the winddow including the sidebar, because these areas are containing meta content only giving helb to choose the content. And therefore the styling of these areas should be identical – for my purpose.
    Thank You


    Hi Franz,

    Do you mean that you want the sidebar to be brown with white text on it? There is not setting for that. You can adjust it via css.

    Best regards,


    What do you mean about the thene “Sentence”?
    The demo shows a different setting of the sidebar compared to the main content!
    Thank You, Franz


    Hi Franz,

    Are you using Sentence or Enfold? What I was saying is that you need a simple css rule if you want sidebar to be brown and was asking if that’s what you need to do.

    Best regards,

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