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  • #1294546

    I have three purchase codes for three diffrent websites. With one purchase code I am logged in here in the support. The client, with this purchase code, would like to care now about their website by themselves and to register to the support. I was looking if I can change in my profile the purchase code but I don’t find a possibility.
    How can I give the client his purchase code and register myself with another?

    Thank you


    Hi Claudia,

    I think the easiest way would to give the client a purchase code which you haven’t used before. It doesn’t matter which one it is, as long as it hasn’t been used to register a user here on the forum.

    Best regards,


    Hi Rikard,

    okay, even when the purchase code belongs to another project I can give it to the client and they don’t have access to this other website? And what happens with updates of enfold with that purchase code I give to the client?
    Best regards


    Hi Claudia,

    No, they would not have access to other website. Updates are connected to Personal Tokens that are created on your Envato account. If you have 3 Personal Tokens, you could give them to any client and it would work. If you have 3 licenses but personal tokens are being used on 4 sites, then you would be risking your Envato account.

    We could also delete your account so you could register with the other code however your past post and threads would be deleted as well.



    Hi Yigit,

    cool thanks for that clear answer. Than I will give the client one of my purchase codes.
    Greetings Claudia



    You are welcome!
    Let us know if you have any other questions and enjoy the rest of your day!

    Best regards,

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