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  • #368033


    On my site i have color sections at the top of every ‘page’. The text is white when the image is fully shown. When the page is scrolled down the transparency kicks in on the header section and the menu font goes black. This works great.

    However when I’m viewing a post that has no color section the background of the header section is white and so is the menu text.

    Can a genius please provide some css that will update the initial font color to black on posts please?

    Thank you



    Hi darrenrhymer!

    Can you post the link to your website please?
    Have you tried adjusting menu item colors in Enfold theme options > Advanced Styling tab > “Main menu links” and Enfold theme options > Header > Transparency options?


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    Please add following code to Quick CSS in Enfold theme options under General Styling tab

    .single span.avia-menu-text {
    color: #555555;



    Works perfectly.

    Thanks so much Yigit !!

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