I am very close to have my site http://zorbas.synology.me/wordpress ready and I have some ideas/questions that I really need help with.
1. How can I have two installations/two website for testing on http://zorbas.synology.me/wordpress without issues?
1.1 I want to clone http://zorbas.synology.me/wordpress and make the content in swedish. Do I need to change everything manually and the titles of photos etc.? Is there a free smart translation tool that can translate text and photos/everything?
2. When I have the two sites (the danish and the swedish) I need to migrate to my hosting company. I was told before i bought the theme that there was no issue using the theme for zorbas.dk and .se.
What is the best way to migrate the theme to zorbas.dk and .se?
thanks in advance! :)
Hey lech07,
please stick to theme related questions only.
1.) As with any other WP theme too. Simply make two different folder where you install them.
1.1.) We recommend to use WPML.
2.) You could use WPML for it. For migrating use a plugin like https://wordpress.org/plugins/wp-migrate-db/
Best regards,