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  • #29530

    Hi, I really love this Theme!!!.. I was wondering if there is any way to change the header.. I noticed you have been providing coding to make changes to the layout to other buyers… Which is great and much appreciated..

    I have a screen shot I would like to send you of how i imagine the header to be.. What would be the best way to share it with you??..

    -I would like to move the navigation bar to the center instead of the right & Remove the Search bar

    -Move logo below the navigation bar in the center as well (instead of left side)

    – I would also like to remove the second header bar with the subcategories

    – and finally remove the navigation bar but leave the social media icons on top left of the page…..

    Thanks so much!



    You can post the screenshot here. You can use




    great!! Just uploaded it! Thanks!



    Can you post us the link from imgur? You can upload screenshots there and post the links in here



    hi I did.. did you not see it??



    Can you post the link to your website as well?

    In the mean time you can make following changes,
    1) Please go to Appearance > Menus and find “Menu Settings” under your menu and uncheck “Enfold Secondary Menu”

    2) Add following code to Quick CSS in Enfold theme options under Styling to remove search icon and title container and breadcrumbs

    #menu-item-search, .title_container { display: none; }



    hi, unfortunately i cant really show you the site.. cause i have it under construction and really can’t open up to public traffic.. I’m not sure how else i could show you the site?? is there any other way I can help explain what how I would like to change the header? Thanks so much !

    My Main concern is to bring the menus centered on the page as well as the logo..
    other then that the search button and subcategories taken out… if possible..



    Can you create a temporary admin login and send it to me on I need to give you exact css codes to center logo and menu accurately depending on your logo and menu


    • This reply was modified 8 years, 9 months ago by Yigit.

    just sent it to you .. Thanks!



    I could not login. Please create and send me one more time

    Best regards,

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