Anytime I make changes to the Slider, LayerSlider, It does not appear on the Homepage instantly. It takes several days and sometimes never at all. I contacted my host to inquire if it’s some excessive caching and they have refreshed everything but yet it doesn’t change anything, I would like to Know if there could be any reason why this is happening and if I can get some help.
Have you tried disabling W3 Total Cache?
Best regards,
It wasn’t the cause, it was a Google font plugin. I installed that cos the Google font feature that comes with theme doesn’t work. Have you come across this issue with anyone? What’s the fix?
I suggest using the google fonts that come with Enfold, could you detail what’s exactly not working?
Best regards,
Enfold Google Fonts should work now, you had a typo in the Quick CSS (missing closing bracket).
Best regards,