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  • #672916

    (I’m a total custom post type newbie, apologies for ignorance.)

    I want to change/customize the sidebar of a custom post type, specifically the “Job listing” post type that’s generated by WP Jobs Manager.
    Right now my jobs get the sidebar settings spec’d for “Sidebar on Single Post Entries” – both alignment left/right and widget area.
    When I edit a specific “Job” I don’t get the familiar Enfold fields that usually let me change which sidebar a given page gets.
    Per the plugin’s template override instructions I created content-single-job_listing.php within the Enfold Child theme directory, and I’m able to tweak the layout of the page elements itself, but don’t see any way to set/change which sidebar it calls.

    In a perfect world, I’d create a Custom Widget Area with the Widgets editor and assign that as the sidebar of choice for all jobs. Alternatively, I’d be happy to set that from the page editor.

    • This topic was modified 8 years, 6 months ago by JeeBar. Reason: Removed irrelevant/inaccurate private content

    Hey JeeBar,

    Thank you for using Enfold.

    This plugin should help you specify where a certain widget should display.

    Use the is_singular conditional function.

    Best regards,

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