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  • #164332


    Sorry for repeat,

    please help, what is the easy way to change Portfolio 3col thumbnail size from 495x400px to 495x330px.
    ( is it possible without regenerate plugin ? )

    thank you

    • This topic was modified 11 years, 5 months ago by Denis.

    Hey, i´m not a expert, but try this solution, i think it must be right!

    go to themes – search for the functions.php, in this file search for this code, and change it like the size you want,
    these settings are for the future uploads, every uploaded picture goes in your setting ( for 2/3 columns ).

    $avia_config[‘imgSize’][‘portfolio’] = array(‘width’=>495, ‘height’=>400 );

    choose the functions.php to your childtheme.

    cheers carsten



    : Thanks for the tip.

    : You can do @set_carsten’s suggestion then you need to manually upload the images again if you don’t want to regenerate them.

    Best regards,


    thanks for help !

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