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  • #787273

    Hey there,
    I want to have a telephone link in the main menu.
    I figured if I can change the rss icon to display a telephone icon and set the link to tel:123456789 that would be perfect. But I did not find a possibility to change the icon. Could you please assist me.
    Thank you so much.


    Hey edfaber,

    Please provide a link to the site/page in question.

    Best regards,
    Jordan Shannon


    Hey Jordan,

    Here is the link to the site:


    Hi edfaber,

    Can you give us temporary admin access to your website in the private content box below, so that we can have a closer look.

    Best regards,

    • This reply was modified 7 years, 9 months ago by Victoria.

    Ok, I think you did not get the login data.
    I just filled in the Private Content but I think something went wrong. So here are the login credentials again.
    cheers martin

    • This reply was modified 7 years, 9 months ago by edfaber.


    Sorry, the login access isn’t working for me. Can you check it please?

    Can you also try following the steps in our documentation here — — on how to add social icons to the theme options?

    Best regards,


    Sorry Sarah, I did not save the settings. You should be able to log in now.


    Thank you the login. It works now. :)

    Please got to Appearance > Editor and add this in the functions.php file of your child theme.

    // Register new icon as a theme icon
    function avia_add_custom_icon($icons) {
    	$icons['icon_name']	 = array( 'font' =>'entypo-fontello', 'icon' => 'ue854');
    	return $icons;
    add_filter('avf_default_icons','avia_add_custom_icon', 10, 1);
    // Add new icon as an option for social icons
    function avia_add_custom_social_icon($icons) {
    	$icons['Phone'] = 'icon_name';
    	return $icons;
    add_filter('avf_social_icons_options','avia_add_custom_social_icon', 10, 1);

    With this, the phone icon should be one of the choices in your Social Profiles. 

    For complete information, please see our documentation here:

    Best regards,


    Thank you Sarah,
    excellent support as always.

    That’s one of the reasons why I love this theme.



    Great! I am glad that Sarah’s solution helped you. If you need additional help let us know here in the forums.

    Best regards,
    Jordan Shannon

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