Hi Guys!!
Thank you for your ongoing rapid support! :-). On my website I used the following code to make my image larger:
strong.logo {
height: 340px; weight: 156px;
However, the logo now overlaps the main slider image. I used the CSS rule “padding-bottom” to push the logo up but unfortunately the logo shrinks and does not retain the dimensions “340 x 156”.
Kindly help me with getting the logo in the right place whilst also maintaing the dimensions of the logo I desire.
Hi ZakP!
Please use this on your custom.css or Quick CSS to increase the height of the header:
/*header with social icons: */
.social_header #header_main .container, .social_header .main_menu ul:first-child > li a { height: 130px; line-height: 130px; }
Adjust the height and the line-height if necessary.
Hi Ismail!
Thanks!!! is the following code correct for adjusting the height and width of the logo, as only the height property seems to work:
strong.logo {
height: 340px; weight: 156px;
Thank you :-)