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  • #554240

    The comments widget uses the words ‘Replies’ and ‘Reply’ which is not relevant for our site. How can we change that?
    I’m referring to ‘Replies’ which appears just underneath the number of comments. ‘Reply’ is used just above the comment form.


    Hey mikehartrich!

    You ca use a plugin like:

    and try rename the strings of the theme, on what you need them to be named.



    Hi Basilis,
    It looks like that is a translation plugin. We don’t need translation, we don’t need something that works on the PO files. What we need is just to change the text that appears in the Enfold Comments widget, for the English language. Is this really the best/only way to change the labeling that Enfold uses in the comments widget?

    We don’t want to add a lot of plugins, we don’t want to bog down the site and server, and Enfold seems to have issues with many plugins. From the description of the loco translation plugin it doesn’t look like it will solve the problem.

    • This reply was modified 9 years, 2 months ago by mikehartrich.


    Please go to Appearance > Editor and edit Comments.php file and find the strings that you would like to change

    Best regards,

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