Tagged: change text color
How can I change the color of this text? I can’t see it. I’m using the events plugin.
I utilized the Enfold Classic demo but changed the color scheme to modern black.
There is some text there that is not visible because the text color is black and the bg is black…
I highlighted the text so that it shows up: https://app.screencast.com/RyH55uQ8J1Pir
How can we make this text to white?
Thanks for the screenshot, try this css:
.tribe-common .tribe-common-h5, .tribe-common .tribe-common-h6,
.tribe-events .tribe-events-calendar-latest-past__event-datetime,
.tribe-events .tribe-events-calendar-latest-past__event-date-tag-month, .tribe-events .tribe-events-calendar-latest-past__event-date-tag-year {
color: #fff;
If you want the gray text on the single event page to also be white, add this css:
.main_color #tribe-events .time-details, .main_color .single-tribe_events .tribe-events-schedule, .single-tribe_events .main_color .tribe-events-schedule h3, .single-tribe_events .main_color .tribe-events-event-meta dd, .main_color .recurringinfo, .main_color .tribe-mini-calendar-no-event, .main_color .tribe-mini-calendar-dayofweek, .main_color .tribe-mini-calendar-event .list-date .list-daynumber, .main_color .av-upcoming-event-data {
color: #fff;
Best regards,