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  • #1434116

    i would like to change the style of the submenu. Now there is quite a whitespace between the main item, and its subitems (see private link)

    FYI: I have chosen to have a custom heigth of the header of 200px in order to make the logo more bigger.

    Thanks in advance!

    • This topic was modified 6 months, 4 weeks ago by StarSolutions.

    Hey StarSolutions,

    Thank you for the inquiry.

    Are you trying to move the submenu closer to its the parent menu item? If so, then you can try this css code.

    .av-main-nav > li > ul {
        margin-top: -50px;

    Best regards,


    Hi Ismael,
    yes that does the trick!



    Great, I’m glad that Ismael could help you out. Please let us know if you should need any further help on the topic, or if we can close it.

    Best regards,

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