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  • #24027

    You have a slick Pull Out Menu (Change Styles) on your demo site at Theme Forest. I was wondering is that a plugin I can purchase or can I purchase it from you? Unable to find anything as nice as that one! Please let me know.



    1) You need to update your theme to version 1.3. I’d recommend to use the latest version (1.5 or 1.5.1).

    2) Go to Enfold > Header and search for the “Responsive Header Main Menu” option. Select “Display as Slide Out” from the dropdown.



    Let me tag Kriesi.




    Yes, I thought that just affected the responsive header. Found that setting and it displays on my phone as a menu that slides out, but I want a menu on the main site like your Change Styles menu? Are they the same thing and I’m missing it? How do I get it to work like yours?


    Hi Vivian,

    That is not part of the theme. Its just a tool Kriesi has on his demo sites to help show the flexibility that can be achieved using the theme options.




    Hi Devin,

    Thanks for your response. He should consider offering it as a plugin on themeforest. People would eat it up! I would be the first to purchase. Let me know if this ever happens :)

    Thanks again,


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