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  • #594328


    I have uploaded a logo for my website (2200x150px) and I would like to display it on top of my site. The standard logo size is 340px * 156px. First I set “Logo center, Menu below” in the Header Layout preferences pane. Unfortunately I only can set the height of the logo, but not the width. The logo is displayed in 340x156px. How can I set the width of the logo in CSS and where can I place the CSS-code?

    Best regards,


    • This topic was modified 8 years, 11 months ago by cloudsearcher.

    Hi #cloudsearcher ;
    With these lines of code you can have a full-width logo in the header, don’t forget to set the size of your header in the Header Layout (156px).

    .html_header_top.html_logo_center .logo{padding: 0px !important; width: 100% !important;height: 100% !important;}
    .logo img{width: 100% !important;height: 100% !important;}

    (!) You should check how you would like to show the logo on mobile devices.


    Thank you for your answer,

    please allow me one more question: where can I place the CSS-Code?



    Please go to Enfold theme options > General Styling and add it to Quick CSS field

    Best regards,


    How can I wrap my logo width <h1> only on my home page ?



    Please add following code to bottom of functions.php file in Appearance > Editor

    add_filter( 'avf_logo_headline', 'change_logo_to_h1', 10);
    function change_logo_to_h1() {
    return "h1";

    Best regards,


    I’m sorry but it does not work. On the home page no h1 added and code appears directly on the site. Can you test your code and come back to me with a solution? thank you in advance


    Hi pixeet2016,

    What is the point of wrapping an image with the h1 tag? Can you explain a bit more, please?

    Best regards,

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    Hi pixeet2016,

    Do you have a test server where you can have this display on? Or this is the test server?

    Best regards,


    Hi VIctoria,
    I have a local server, this adress is a preprod server, so i can test on preprod and on my local server.


    But I prefer let the preprod adress without bug because my client can see it.
    The only thing that i can say is that the function

    add_filter( 'avf_logo_headline', 'change_logo_to_h1', 10);
    function change_logo_to_h1() {
    return "h1";

    doesn’t work.
    So can you help me ?


    Hi pixeet2016,

    What you uneed to do is to modify the file below
    /wp-content/themes/enfold/framework/php/function-set-avia-frontend.php. The function starts around line 484.

    If you need further assistance please let us know.
    Best regards,

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    This reply has been marked as private.
    This reply has been marked as private.


    Thank you for the update. Please replace the filter with this.

    //wrap logo width h1 (SEO RECOMMANDATIONS)
    add_filter( 'avf_logo_headline',  'change_logo_to_h1', 10, 1);
    function change_logo_to_h1($headline) {
    	$headline = is_front_page() ? 'h1' : $headline;
    	return $headline;

    Best regards,

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