Tagged: enfold, mobile menu
Hi, I was wondering if it is possible to have a mobile menu in Enfold like the following one, with sub-item menu appearing in different fly-out containers
Hey Elena,
Thank you for the inquiry.
That is surely possible but it will require modifications that are beyond the scope of support. You may need to hire a freelance developer to help you implement the changes from the codepen above to the theme. Please contact our partner, Codeable.
// https://kriesi.at/contact/customization
Best regards,
Thanks, I just needed to know if that is feasible: I can try to implement it. Please, if it is possible for you, could you tell me if to avoid Enfold loads its own mobile menu I can just add this to my functions.php
function avia_append_burger_menu() {
return “”;
And then append my own custom menu?
Thank you for the update.
You can deregister the avia-hamburger-menu script or the /js/avia-snippet-hamburger-menu.js file to prevent the theme from creating the burger menu, but this might affect the default menu. To deregister an existing script, you can use this function.
// https://developer.wordpress.org/reference/functions/wp_deregister_script/
Best regards,
Thanks for the information