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  • #963087

    Hello there!

    Thank you for your theme, it’s awesome. However, I’ve been perusing through several topics opened to find the answer and I’ve almost found the solution to my issue. I’m trying to include the Telegram icon on the social header. I’m using a child theme and have added this code to the function.php file as stated in this tutorial :

    // Register new icon as a theme icon
    function avia_add_custom_icon($icons) {
        $icons['paper-plane']	 = array( 'font' =>'fontello', 'icon' => 'ue800');
        return $icons;
    add_filter('avf_default_icons','avia_add_custom_icon', 10, 1);
    // Add new icon as an option for social icons
    function avia_add_custom_social_icon($icons) {
        $icons['Telegram'] = 'paper-plane';
        return $icons;
    add_filter('avf_social_icons_options','avia_add_custom_social_icon', 10, 1);

    The icon i’m looking for already exist on entypo-fontello, it’s simply a paper plane, I’m trying to add the correct code since currently the icon is displaying a pencil instead of the paper plane I’m looking for. And I’m also playing with this code:

    .av-social-link-telegram a:before {
        content: '\ue8b7';
        font-family: 'entypo-fontello';

    Changing the content part of the code trying to match the symbol I’m looking for but nothing is quite right.

    Please, could you help?

    I cannot currently add a link to my website since it’s in preproduction and not yet uploaded to the final server.


    Hey Nora,

    Thank you for using Enfold.

    You have to change “fontello” to “entypo-fontello” because that’s the actual font set.

    $icons['paper-plane']	 = array( 'font' =>'entypo-fontello', 'icon' => 'ue800');

    Best regards,


    Solved thanks!


    Glad Ismael could help, we will close this now. Thank you for using Enfold.

    Best regards,

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