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  • #1225668

    I would like to change the final size of the shrinking header and logo when scrolling down the page. For me, the default size is too small.


    See below…


    only change the size ( start height and end height should be bigger ) but the shrink ration stayes the same : 1/2
    or do you intend to change that too?


    and here vor actual solution :


    Hi JPOsteen,

    Did you get it working with Guenni007’s help or do you need more?

    Best regards,


    @Guenni007, Thank you for the response. To keep it simple I just increased the original size of the header.

    I wish @kriesi would build an option into the backend to make more customization easier.


    Hi JPOsteen,

    There is an option to set your custom header height in the theme options.

    Glad you got it working for you with Guenni007’s help! :)

    If you need further assistance please let us know.

    Best regards,


    @victoria, I know about that option and I use it all of the time. I just wish there was an option to set custom header height for the shrinking header to override the default 1/2 size.


    Hi JPOsteen,

    I will forward your request to our devs.

    Best regards,


    yes that would be nice – the mathematic is very ease and the avia-snippet-sticky-header.js could be as it is only these two factors had to be in relation to an input field ( f.e. shrink_factor – with standard : 2 ) on register-admin-options.php – this input field has dependency like custom height only visible when custom height is choosen.


      $avia_elements[]  =  array(
    					"slug"	=> "header",
    					"name" 	=> __("Header Shrink Factor", 'avia_framework'),
    					"desc" 	=> __("Choose a custom shrink factor - two digits f.e. 2.85", 'avia_framework'),
    					"id" 	  => "header_shrink_factor",
    					"type" 	=> "text",
    					"std" 	=> "2",
    					"required" => array('header_size','custom') );

    the custom height is not important on those calculations – because it can be shortend

    one could also rearrange this formula, since division by a quotient is equal to multiplication by the reciprocal value

    on line 64 : if(st < el_height*(shrink_factor-1)/shrink_factor
    on line 76 : newH = el_height/shrink_factor;
    thats all.

    • This reply was modified 4 years, 7 months ago by Guenni007.
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