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  • #980688

    Hello again!

    I have successfully (yay!) added the following Quick CSS to change the colour of my menu text, the indicator bar for currently selected page and the social media icons to black on my About page:

    .page-id-191 .av_header_transparency .av-main-nav>li>a>span.avia-menu-text {
    color: black !important;
    .page-id-191 .av-main-nav li.current-menu-item a .avia-menu-fx{
    background: black !important;
    .page-id-191 .av_header_transparency .social_bookmarks a{
    color: black !important;

    However, I’m missing one piece of the jigsaw as the indicator bar when I mouse of the other menu selections is still white. How do I change this to black, too, please?

    Thanks in advance,


    Hey Keith,

    Add this to quick css:

    #top .header_color.av_header_transparency .avia-menu-fx{

    Best regards,
    Jordan Shannon


    Thanks Jordan,

    Speedy response as usual. I actually added this so that it only changes on my About page:
    .page-id-191 .av_header_transparency .avia-menu-fx{

    Seems to have done the trick. Many thanks.

    Best for now,



    No problem at all my friend. If you need additional help, please let us know here in the forums.

    Best regards,
    Jordan Shannon

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