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  • #1427370

    This is my current website that was build a while ago using this demo

    I would like to change the look of it to something like that:

    I will have new 2-3 images rotating
    How can I change only that top slider part without importing whole new demo? I don’t want to loose content below the slider or overwrite anything.

    Thank you


    Hey ilonka78,
    It looks like you used the construction demo to create your site, which has the fullwidth easy slider at the top, and you want to use the LayerSlider slider at the top like the 2017 demo, correct?
    I can post the LayerSlider so that you can import it into your site and then you can remove the top slider on your page and add the LayerSlider element to your page if you like, but if you look at the free templates available in your LayerSlider you may find a slider that you like better than the 2017 demo slider, have you taken a look?
    Try going to the LayerSlider templates:
    then click sliders:
    then click free to see only the free ones:

    Best regards,


    But if I use one of those slider templates I’m not sure how I will incorporate navigation and logo to be part of it. Just like example
    I want nice picture from the top of the page with navigation and logo on it. Is it possible just to import that slider or just home page? Then I would have to create what i below the slider from the beginning.


    Please find the link below to import the 2017 demo slider into your LayerSlider using the import button:

    Best regards,


    Thank you. I have this slider now but I don’t know how to make it work for my design. If I just insert it from the menu to the page, it will show up below my logo and navigation.
    I want it to start at the top of the home page so logo and navigation are in front of it just like in the demo. So that layer slider becomes my navigation and logo’s background.


    You will need to enable a transparent header for the page in the backend of the page in the sidebar under Layout ▸ Header visibility and transparency ▸ Transparent Header

    Best regards,


    Great. That is what I needed.
    But now I have another unexpected problem. I can’t insert any sliders besides accordion and easy slider.
    I created new section and I tried layer slider and even full width slider and they will just not insert. Could you please take a look why?

    Thank you


    Thanks, the LayerSlider and full width slider are full width elements, so they can not go into color sections or columns, try adding it above these elements.
    If this doesn’t help, is it ok if I try to add the LayerSlider to your homepage? Or try creating a duplicate test page and tell me the name of it and I will try there.

    Best regards,

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