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  • #1118737

    I have quite a few pages built with AV-Builder that contain a hero photo, built with the “Vollbild-Slider”-element, and below a gallery, for instance:

    As the gallery is quite big, it takes a little time to load. And the hero photo only loads after the gallery has completely loaded which means, it remains blank for a while. Can you change this order, i.e. hero photo first, gallery last?



    Hey danielmarsch,

    Which version of php are you running?

    Best regards,


    Hi Victoria,


    Hi danielmarsch,

    Can you give us temporary admin access to your website in the private content box below, so that we can have a closer look?

    Best regards,


    Hello Victoria,

    this thread somehow died, but the problem isn’t realliy solved yet.

    It is about pages like this one with larger galleries:

    The loading order is:
    – first the gallery (and maybe other content)
    – then the hero photo
    – then the hero title
    This leaves us with some big blank space on top for a while the gallery is loading.

    How can I change it so the hero photo und title load first?


    Hi danielmarsch,

    Well, the theme does not have such an option. There are plugins out there that allow images lazy loading, but Enfold does not work that well with them yet. The gallery seems to load faster because there are many small images loading and the slider image is quite big and so it loads longer. Also, on the next load, a browser will most probably cache the images and will serve everything faster.

    Best regards,

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