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  • #926315


    This has been on my list for a while and I thought I would get to it now. I would like to change the comments default intro text from “Leave a reply” to “Leave a comment.” How can I do this? I see various options over the years for customizing this, including making the change in comments.php (I think I found the relevant lines, below) but that is only in the theme file, not child theme, so I am concerned the change will be overwritten next time the theme is updated.



    echo “<div class=’comment_container’>”;
    echo “<h3 class=’miniheading’>”.__(‘Leave a Reply’,’avia_framework’).”</h3>”;
    echo “<span class=’minitext’>”.__(‘Want to join the discussion?’,’avia_framework’).” <br/>”.__(‘Feel free to contribute!’,’avia_framework’).”</span>”;
    echo “</div>”;


    Hey Rob!

    Please copy comments.php file to your child theme and change the text as needed :)

    Best regards,


    Hi Yigit!

    Thanks for responding so fast! I was thinking that might be a way to do it, but with all the changes being made to Enfold, is there a possibility copying that to the child theme could mess up something with a future update? Any downsides to copying it there?



    Hi Rob,

    That could be the case if we update comments.php file in parent theme however then you can simply copy comments.php file from theme once again and apply the same changes :)

    Best regards,


    Hi Yigit,

    Thanks much. Sorry to keep asking questions on this …. but how would I know if comments.php has changed? I just don’t want to end up in a situation where I copy this over and then update and that crashes the site in the future.



    Hi Rob,

    I think Comments.php file will not be changed any time soon but if we make any changes on it, we will include it in change log :)

    Best regards,


    Haha OK thanks, feel free to close ticket!


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