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  • #1359280

    I would like change the search results layout.
    Here I send you a screenshots.

    View post on

    I would like remove the number and the metadata and add the image.
    Could you help me?
    Thanks advance,




    Hey Antonio,
    Thanks for your question, I tested this solution and found that it still works.
    I used this css to hide the metadata and to make the featured image 300px x 215px square: .search-result-counter {
        padding: 0;
    } .search-result-counter img {
      border-radius: 0;
      height: 100%;
    } .search-result-counter {
        height: 215px;
        width: 300px;
        background: transparent;
    } .template-search.content .entry-content-wrapper {
        height: 215px;
    } #main .post-meta-infos {
       display: none;
    } .entry-content, .post-title {
    margin-left: 280px;
    } .post-entry {
        padding-bottom: 20px;

    here was my results:

    Best regards,


    Hi Mike,

    Works perfect! Many thanks.

    Only two questions:
    – It´s possible save the loop-search.php file in enfold-child for the later updates?

    – Could remove the pagination in the search?

    Thanks advance,




    To add the loop-search.php file to your child theme create a new folder called “includes” in the child theme directory and create a copy of the “loop-search.php” file inside of it.
    to hide the pagination please try this css:

    .template-search .pagination {
    	display: none;

    After applying the css, please clear your browser cache and check.

    Best regards,


    Hi Mike,

    Works perfect! Many thanks.

    I find a problem with the new search layout in mobile version.
    Maybe in mobile we have to change the text under the image and limited the text only in the container.
    Could you help me?
    Thanks advance.




    Hi Mike,

    I have include:

    .entry-content-wrapper.clearfix.standard-content {
    overflow: hidden;

    For the overflow text and works.
    Could you help me to change the text under the image only in mobile versión?

    Thanks advance!




    Hey Antonio,

    Could you please post a screenshot and show the changes you would like to make so we can make sure that we are on the same page? You can upload your screenshots on and post the links here :)



    the only thing i would change is the check – if there is a post thumbnail:

    so change ismaels code by surrounding it with an if clause:

    $searchthumb = get_the_post_thumbnail( $the_id, 'large' );
    if( ! empty( $searchthumb ) ) {
    	echo "<span class='search-result-counter {$counterclass}'>{$searchthumb}</span>";


    i prefer to have the link on the image too and use square images : so i insert on that area instead:

    $searchthumb = get_the_post_thumbnail( $the_id, 'square' );
    if( ! empty( $searchthumb ) ) {
    	echo "<a class='slide-image search_image' href='".get_permalink()."'><span class='search-result-image'>{$searchthumb}</span></a>";

    my solution needs this in quick css:

    .search-result-image {
        display: block;
    .search-result-image img {
        width: 120px;
        border: 1px solid #aaa
    a.slide-image.search_image {
      overflow: visible !important;
    a.search_image .image-overlay.overlay-type-extern {
      left: 0 !important

    see what it looks like on:


    Hi Yigit,
    The image is in the previous post.

    Hi Guenni007,
    The problem is with the image the text is unreadable.
    Maybe remove the image only for mobile?

    Many thanks both,




    the text inside that image ?
    then just take the full image as before


    Hi Guenni007,

    I mean the text behind the image.
    I got it! Attach the after-before
    Many thanks.

    Only one thing I remove the pagination but I would like that all the results apear in the same page.
    Could you help me?
    Thanks advance,




    if your search results does not show too many results – you can easily increase the number of results to a high enough value – so there will be no pagination:

    function enfold_search_results_per_page( $wp_query ) {
    	if ( is_search() ) {
    		$wp_query->query_vars["posts_per_page"] = 999;
    add_filter( 'pre_get_posts', 'enfold_search_results_per_page' );

    Hi Guenni007,

    Works perfect!
    Many thanks,





    We are happy that @Guenni007 could help you out!
    Let us know if you have any other questions and enjoy the rest of your day :)

    Thanks for your help :)

    Best regards,

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