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  • #1471869

    Where can I change the text-message in the pop which occurs when user declines every cookie?
    “When refusing all cookies this site might not be able to work as expected. Please check our settings page and opt out for cookies or functions you do not want to use and accept cookies. You will be shown this message every time you open a new window or a new tab.\n\nAre you sure you want to continue?”

    Need it in German.



    Hey slikslok,

    The language will follow your WordPress language settings, and the button texts can be changed under Enfold->Privacy and Cookies->Cookie Handling.

    Best regards,


    Its not about the Button-Text, its about the popup-box taht occurs when user is declining to set cookies. PLease have alook at teh text I posted. Teh WordPress runs in German , but the translation within Enfold doesn’t work propperly. Some things in teh backend are still in english, also system messages like the mentioned popup…
    Where can I change that specific text I quoted?


    “When refusing all cookies this site might not be able to work as expected. Please check our settings page and opt out for cookies or functions you do not want to use and accept cookies. You will be shown this message every time you open a new window or a new tab.\n\nAre you sure you want to continue?”


    BTW: If you setup a WordPress in German, pleas have a look in teh Enfield-Settings in the Backend: About 5-10% are not in German and still in english! So in the outputs on the frontend. I would like to psot an screenshot for examples, but unfortunately its not possible to post iamges here…


    Is there a chance, to answer today please? Its urgent…



    Thanks for the update, we’ll check if there are strings that are not translated into German. If you want to submit your own translations, then there are instructions here: For now, you can use a string translation plugin, or edit the .po/.mo files manually in the lang folder located in the root of the theme folder.

    Best regards,



    Cookie bar buttons and the popup use the language of your WordPress installation. The translation is missing for the “When refusing all cookies this site might not be able to work as expected.” in German language files so it uses the default English text.

    To update the text, please go to the Enfold theme options > Privacy and Cookies > Cookie Handling, scroll down, enable the Show Advanced Options option, and change the text in the Refuse Cookie Warning area ( ).


    • This reply was modified 3 months, 1 week ago by Yigit.
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