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  • #977535

    Hi guys,

    I would like to change the order of appearance the items from Number>Description to Description>Number in the Animated numbers tool

    In the middle of the page I have an animated number section with the order image>number>text and I want it to be image>text>number.

    I also want the 3 counters to start and end at the same time. Therefore, the lower the number, the lower the animation speed. And viceversa. Greater the number, higher speed.

    Thanks in advance.

    Best regards.-

    • This topic was modified 6 years, 7 months ago by sir4you.

    Hey sir4you,

    Thank you for using Enfold.

    This is possible but you have to modify the config-templatebuilder > aviashortcodes > numbers > numbers.php file. Look for this code around line 342.

            		// add blockquotes to the content
            		$output  = '<'.$tags[0].' '.$style.' class="avia-animated-number av-force-default-color '.$av_display_classes.' avia-color-'.$color.' '.$meta['el_class'].' avia_animate_when_visible" '.$style.'>';
            		$output .= 		'<strong class="heading avia-animated-number-title" '.$font_style.'>';
            		$output .= 		$before.$this->extract_numbers($number).$after;
            		$output .= 		"</strong>";
            		$output .= 		"<div class='avia-animated-number-content' {$font_style2}>";
            		$output .= 		wpautop( ShortcodeHelper::avia_remove_autop( $content ) );
            		$output .= 	'</div></'.$tags[1].'>';

    Replace it with..

            		// add blockquotes to the content
            		$output  = '<'.$tags[0].' '.$style.' class="avia-animated-number av-force-default-color '.$av_display_classes.' avia-color-'.$color.' '.$meta['el_class'].' avia_animate_when_visible" '.$style.'>';
            		$output .= 		"<div class='avia-animated-number-content' {$font_style2}>";
            		$output .= 		wpautop( ShortcodeHelper::avia_remove_autop( $content ) );
    				$output .= 	'</div>';
    				$output .= 		'<strong class="heading avia-animated-number-title" '.$font_style.'>';
            		$output .= 		$before.$this->extract_numbers($number).$after;
    				$output .= 		"</strong></".$tags[1].">";

    Best regards,


    Hi Ismael,

    Thanks again for your time.

    The first part was solved

    In the middle of the page I have an animated number section with the order image>number>text and I want it to be image>text>number.

    But the second issue still pending

    I also want the 3 counters to start and end at the same time. Therefore, the lower the number, the lower the animation speed. And viceversa. Greater the number, higher speed.

    Thanks in advance.

    Best regards.-



    Thanks for the update.

    There’s no solution for the second issue though. It’s possible but it will require modifications that are beyond the scope of support. You can’t set the duration of a specific animated number element by default.

    Best regards,

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