hi guys,
is there a solution for changing the icon box icon color when mouse over any part of the icon box?
A quick response would be greatly appreciated!
Hey clairemartindigital,
I can see your icons changing to blue when I hover the element, I’m guessing you managed to find a solution already?
Best regards,
Hi Rikard,
Not quiet.
I am wanting to have the color change of the icon on hover when the mouse is over any part of the icon box ie content, title or icon. At the moment the change of color only happens when the mouse cursor is hovering over the icon.
Does that make sense?
Thanks in advance for your quick response.
Thank you for the info. Please try this css modification.
.iconbox:hover .iconbox_icon {
background-color: red !important;
border: 1px solid blue !important;
color: pink !important;
We need to add the !important rule because the default style is inline.
Thanks Ismael, you are a champion!
You can close this ticket.