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  • #857788


    I found several topics on this , but somehow it is not working for me:

    1. I want to change the font-family of a Special Heading, let’s say in “Yellowtail”, so I added the following in the Quick CSS:
    .av-special-heading h1 { font-family: “Yellowtail” !important; }
    But this is not working.

    2. If I have different Special Headings and I want to use different font stlyes for each special heading, how can I do that? (I tried the Section ID in the color section box, but that didn’t work.)

    3. General question: which font-families can I use with Quick CSS? Only the ones available in the drop-down-menu of the advanced styling?
    (adding the font family, as described in the post below, worked: )
    Or is there a different/easier way, so I could use every available google font (without adding each font family in the drop-down-menu)?

    4. General question: Could I use the style.css in my child-theme folder for the font-modifications as described above?



    Hey catchbudapest,

    Let’s focus on one problem at a time, where can we see the first problem? Please post admin login details in private so that we can have a look at the backend of your site.

    Best regards,


    Hey Rikard,

    see admin login in the private area.
    At the moment I am just experimenting with the site and I bypassed the problem (described in point 1 of my earlier posting) by setting the special heading (in the top colored section) as h6, and changed the h6-heading in the advanced styling to the font-family yellowtail.

    But actually I want to keep the special heading as h1 but have the possibility to use whatever google-font I want e.g. “Indie Flower” (independently from the font-style of normal h1-headings I use in my future blogposts).

    The questions 2-4 I asked to get a better understanding of the topic, since I will come up with similar styling problems and don’t want to bother the support each time… ;)




    Ok, thanks for the feedback. You can use custom CSS to apply your settings, the only settings your can do in the theme options is to select one font, you can’t select several. And yes, you can use style.css or custom.css to apply your own CSS.

    Best regards,


    Hi Rikard,

    I am not sure if I understood correctly:

    So it is not possible to use a “font-family 1” in the h1 of ablog post and to use a “font-family 2” in the h1 of a special heading?
    Not even if define a Custom CSS Class for the Sepcial Heading and copy {font-family: “”font-family 2”} in the quick CSS?

    Please confirm.




    Yes that is correct, you cannot set more than one font family in the theme options. Using custom CSS you can use any number of fonts you like.

    Best regards,

    • This reply was modified 7 years, 3 months ago by Rikard.


    that’s what I am trying to to but it is not working.
    I added for example the google font “Pacifico” as following in the function.php:

    add_filter( ‘avf_google_heading_font’, ‘avia_add_heading_font’);
    function avia_add_heading_font($fonts)
    $fonts[‘Pacifico’] = ‘Pacifico:400’;
    return $fonts;
    add_filter( ‘avf_google_content_font’, ‘avia_add_content_font’);
    function avia_add_content_font($fonts)
    $fonts[‘Pacifico’] = ‘Pacifico:400’;
    return $fonts;

    Pacifico is now also showing up in the drop down menus of the theme.

    Then I set the custom CCS class of the special Header of my front page to “CP-special-headers“.

    and specified the following in the Quick CSS field:

    .CP-special-headers h1{
    font-family: “Pacifico” !important;

    But the only effect is that the font is switching back to Times New Roman instead of Pacifico.

    What am I doing wrong?


    • This reply was modified 7 years, 3 months ago by catchbudapest.


    Ok, thanks for the description. Can we view the problem somewhere? If so then please post a link and point out the element that you are having problems with.

    Best regards,



    it’ s the special heading on top of the page saying “LIFE AND LANGUAGE
    , can not be missed.
    Page and admin login in the private area.




    Thanks for that, though your CSS is working and I can see the heading displaying the font. Please try to clear your browser cache and reload the page.

    Best regards,



    also after clearing the cache the special heading is shown only in “times new roman” (instead of the font defined in the CSS), I tested it with different devices.

    I solved the problem now by using the plug-in “use any font”. After uploading the respective font with this plug-in, the heading was shown properly as defined in the CSS.




    Ok, glad you found a solution. Though your first method worked on my end. Please let us know if you should need any further help on the topic or if we can close it.

    Best regards,

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