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  • #1348341

    I’ve uploaded the Google font “Kaushan Script” via FTP on my WordPress server. How can I now make the Theme use this font for my heading in the full screen slider on my home page?

    Another issue is the font size of the main menu links. I have already changed it to a larger size several times but it always falls back automatically to a very small font size. What can I do about this?



    Hi Michaela,

    You can upload Google fonts under Enfold->Import/Export, then you can set the heading to use that font under Enfold->Advanced Styling. If you want to use the font you uploaded, then you would need custom CSS.

    Best regards,


    Hi Rikard,

    thank you, that worked! However, the settings I changed in Advanced Styling for the main menu links and the buttons still keep getting lost. What can I do about this?




    You have set them to 18 pixels in advanced styling, and that is what I’m seeing on the front end as well. Are you checking in incognito or private browser windows? If not, then please try that out.

    Best regards,


    Hi Rikard,
    thank you and yes, now it seems to stay as I’ve adjusted it.

    Nevertheless, now another issue has come up: I use Polylang to include translations/English pages (default language is German). I’ve added translated pages (simply copied the original content for later translation in on the translation page) for each page/portfolio entry, but the home page does not work. It does not show the design and content I have set. Do you have an idea where my mistake is?

    Best regards,


    Hi Michaela,

    Sorry for the late reply. I’m not familiar with Polylang unfortunately, Enfold only has official support for WPML. Does it make any difference if you clear the cache from your caching plugin? You could also try deactivating it temporarily.

    Best regards,


    Hi Rikard,
    thank you, I’ll open a new thread and see if anybody else can help me with this.




    Thanks for that, it’s much appreciated. I’ll close this thread for now then.

    Best regards,

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