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  • #604324


    I have searched the forum, and tried to write the CSS myself, but without the greatest of success.

    I would like to change the default space between colums to a specific value instead. For now, I have made a color section, and put in 3 x 1/3 cells. Each of the cells has an image (the “arrows” with the text “KLAR”, “PIRAT”, “START”) and a YouTube video. I would like the spacing between those 3 columns to be a lot less than the default spacing.

    I was able to reduce the spacing to what I like, however, then the 3 cells did not span correctly. So, what I am looking for is this:

    1) Reduce the spacing between the 3 columns to a specific value (either in “px” or “percentage”)
    2) Keep the overall span of the 3 cells (they span correctly to the right and left).


    EDIT: As I am working on the site today, the 3 x Youtube videos may change into an image or similar (however, the question remains the same) :-)



    Please try the following in Quick CSS, these are the default values so please try to adjust them to your liking:

    div .av_one_third {
        margin-left: 6% !important;
        width: 29.333333333333332% !important;


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