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  • #717426


    I have this table on the main page and I have copy it to all other posts as well.
    Custom css class: table

    I want to change the content in the middle cell. Is there a code I can add so it will change instantly all tables with the custom css class: table ?



    Hey Charlotte,

    about which table element are you talking about exactly? screenshots highlighting would help. However, try this code:

    .table {

    What exactly do you want to change?

    Best regards,


    Hey Andy,

    There is only one table in each page so I thought it was pretty obvious ;)



    Hi Charlotte! :)

    That would not be possible. We can provide you custom CSS code that would change image source after page is loaded however that is not a correct way to change image. I am afraid, your best bet is to edit each page and change the code once again.


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