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  • #585271

    Hi team,

    how do we change the colour of bullet points?


    there is no list-style-type-color in css3 nor css4 !
    Maybe some day we will have this because it is a problem lots of people have.
    so the color of the font is the color of your bullets.

    but you can set the bullets to none and ad content in front of your list-points:

    • This reply was modified 9 years ago by Guenni007.

    Hi @Epsilon_JS,

    Did you try @Guenni007’s suggestion?



    Yup, not so sure if it does anything.
    I put the code into the ‘QUICK CSS’ and I don’t noticed any change..

    I can’t select the bullet points as what he mentioned.

    FYI, I’m new to this… so maybe I didn’t do it right..
    any advice?


    you have to gave the custom css classes to those alb elements !
    Did you do that ?

    Reading the whole Answer – even the text before the code is important too!



    Please post admin login details in private if you should have any further problems. Thanks @Guenni007 for the help :-)



    the website is not yet launched. currently still on secure network, so you can’t access our website.

    is there any way we can do this?




    try to clear browser cache and hard refresh a few times. Are you using any caching plugin? or is there any caching on your server? ask your host about it and deactivate it.

    We really need to have a look to your website, to be able to assist you further.

    Best regards,

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