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  • #1199886


    how can i Change the color of strong on especific page?



    3 hours later I answer myself :) I got it !!

    .page-id-37 strong { color: black!important; }

    it is right?




    Yes this is correct.I’m glad you were able to resolve this. If you need additional help, please let us know here in the forums.

    Best regards,
    Jordan Shannon


    I have tried to do the same for the categories and tags of the blog but I do not succeed.

    / * bold color blog categories * /
    .blog-categories strong {color: black! important; }
    / * bold color blog tags* /
    .blog-tag strong { color: black!important; }

    How can I do it?




    There seems to be something block me from right clicking/revealing the inspector on your site. If it’s a plugin can you disable it so that I can inspect the page?

    Best regards,
    Jordan Shannon

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