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    How can I change the breakpoint settings on color sections? I want to change it specifically to target iPad portrait. So I think I need to change the settings like this:

    Hide on small screens (between 480px and 767px – eg: Tablet Portrait)
    Hide on small screens (between 480px and 768px – eg: Tablet Portrait)
    Hide on medium sized screens (between 768px and 989px – eg: Tablet Landscape
    Hide on medium sized screens (between 769px and 989px – eg: Tablet Landscape)

    many thanks



    Hey envapk2,
    Perhaps you should use custom CSS media queries if you want to target an iPad in portrait, this article has a good example.
    But you may need to research the portrait sizes for all of the iPads you want to target as the Pro is larger than the standard one.

    Best regards,


    Hi Mike
    Is it not possible to change the color section breakpoints throughout?

    many thanks



    The theme settings are general and not specific, the different ipads are different sizes, if you want to be more specific try using the css I linked to, if you don’t need to be that specific and are happy with the theme setting, then ok.
    My mind is probably just being too technical.

    Best regards,


    Hi Mike

    I see how to target specific elements with media queries but I was looking to change the general theme settings at one go.



    Oh I see, my misunderstanding, I believe the setting you are referring to is for a specific color section, it is not a general theme setting.
    You would need to select these options for each element, if you want to target all color sections with a rule try the class avia-section

    Best regards,


    Hi Mike

    Thanks for your help. I’ve decided that going down the media queries route might be the best after all.

    Please close the thread.

    many thanks



    Glad we were able to help, if you have any further questions please create a new thread and we will gladly try to help you. Thank you for using Enfold.

    Best regards,

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