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  • #885098

    I have an issue with my mobile dropdown menu as it is very difficult to see it. I want to keep the current color and transparency of the normal menu and therefore only change the color of the mobile menu.
    Right now i have this code for the main menu:

    #top .sub-menu {
    background: rgba(183,91,82,0.7) !important;
    .sub-menu, .sub-menu * { background: transparent !important; }

    Do you have a CSS to change the mobile menu without interfering with the computer menu?

    Thank you,



    You should be able to control that if you place the CSS inside a media query like this:

    @media only screen and (max-width: 767px) {
      #top .sub-menu {
        background: rgba(183,91,82,0.7) !important;
      .sub-menu, .sub-menu * { 
        background: transparent !important; 

    Just change the values to your preferred colours.

    Best regards,

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