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  • #866516

    I am trying to change the color of certain text on my site (not the color for all the text with that attribute).

    One is changing the product description header on one of the product pages. It’s the text that is in dark grey and unreadable. You can see it here: product text color I would like to change it to white.

    Also I’d like to change the color of the text that pops up when you hover over your cart. cart text Not sure what I want to change all that to, but I need to be pointe in the directions of changing all of it.

    Finally I’d like to change the color of the “billing details” text on the checkout page. I’d like to change it to white. billing details text

    I have given you access to the backend in the private content if you need it.


    Also I just noticed one more thing. The “Order Details” text color needs to be changed as well as the “Billing Address” text color. order details text And I’d like to change the text color of the customers address, email and phone number as well.


    Annnnnd one more thing. The text color for the “Delivery Address” needs to change to white. delivery address text


    Hi metrocitygirl,

    Here is the code you can put in Enfold > General Styling > Quick Css,  if it does not work, put into themes/enfold/css/custom.css

    #top .woocommerce-tabs .tabs li a {
      color: #fff;
    .header_color .cart_dropdown .dropdown_widget li a,
     #top .header_color  .avia_cart_buttons .button,
      #top .header_color .dropdown_widget .buttons .button,
     .header_color .cart_dropdown_first .cart_dropdown_link,
      #top .header_color p.order-info mark {
        color: #fff !important;

    How do I check the order page? Are you making test orders?

    If you need further assistance please let us know.

    Best regards,


    I did give you the username and password to login to the wordpress backend right? That’s how I’ve been checking the order page. I have made a few test orders to check out the whole process and make sure everything is showing up properly. Thanks for your help I will try this code.


    So when you get to the View Cart page the “Cart Totals” text still needs to be white. When you get to the Checkout Page the “Billing Details” and “Your Order” text needs to be white. When you get to the confirmation page the “Billing Address”, “Order Details” and “Delivery Address” text all need to be white. If you need to just go in to the backend I’ll give you the username and password again.


    The text when you hover over the cart is perfect now though thank you!


    Oh and the description header on the product page still needs to be white. That never changed as well.



    Can you please link me to the page you’re speaking of.

    Best regards,
    Jordan Shannon


    So the above text regarding the text “Cart Totals”, “Billing Details” and “Your Order” are all on the view cart page after you add something to your cart so I can’t link it. Same with the “Billing Address”, “Order Details” and “Delivery Address”, those are all on the confirmation page.

    The “description” text on the product header that needs to be changed to white is found on the product description page which you can get to by clicking on any of the proteins on the “Order Meals” page. Example here:

    Thank you for all your help!


    The description text looks white on my end, please see screenshot 1 in Private Content area.
    For the cart total:

    .main_color strong .woocommerce-Price-amount {color: #fff !important; }

    screenshot 2
    On the check out page the only text that is green is “United States (US)” I don’t see “Billing Details” and “Your Order”
    screenshot 3
    am I looking in the right place?

    Best regards,


    For the description text: In the photo above there is a heading that you can barely see because it’s a dark grey a few shades darker than the background. You can see a light grey box with a tab that says description…underneath that there is another heading that is that dark grey color (the one I need to change). Then underneath that you’ll find the actual description of the meal in white.

    For the cart total text: I don’t think I uploaded a screenshot so here it is cart total text The heading is just above the box with the subtotal and total in it…it says Cart Totals. Again it’s dark grey so you can barely see it against the grey background.

    Billing details text: If you look in the screenshot the heading is just above the first name text box in the form. Again it is dark grey, very hard to notice.

    Order details: After you place an order you will see the order details page. It says thank you. Your order has been received at the top of the page. If you look at the screenshot it is the text just above the section with the product info in it. It’s a heading that says Order Details in dark grey. On that same page you will see at the bottom the customers billing address as well as the delivery address in 2 boxes. Above the billing address you will see a heading that says Billing Address in dark grey and above the delivery address you will be able to see a heading that says Billing Address, again in dark grey.

    I would just change the universal heading color to white but I have this heading size in other places throughout the site that don’t have a grey background and it needs to be the dark gray to be readable.

    • This reply was modified 7 years, 3 months ago by metrocitygirl.

    Oh I see now that the in the description text the word “Description” is black, try this:

    #tab-description h2 {color: #fff !important; }

    same for “Reviews”

    #tab-reviews h2 {color: #fff !important; }

    Cart Totals:

    .cart_totals h2 {color: #fff !important; }

    Billing details:

    .woocommerce-billing-fields h3 {color: #fff !important; }


    #ship-to-different-address label span {color: #fff !important; }

    Best regards,


    So I added that code and it changed the color of the description header on the product description page which was awesome! The reviews text was always white so no need for that. The Cart totals changed color as did the billing details in the form. I’m not sure where the ship-to-different-address text would be found?

    Things that did not change: On the checkout page above the product it says “your order” and it’s still dark grey. And on the order confirmation page the “Order Details”, “Billing Address” and “Delivery Address” text are all still dark grey.

    Thank you for your persistent help with this.



    Add this to quick css to fix “Your Order”:


    As For the order confirmation page, I can’t seem to get there. I continually get an error asking to select a delivery method. Can you look into that?

    Best regards,
    Jordan Shannon


    The “Your Order” text is totally fixed!

    it might be because in order to place an order you have to live in certain zip codes within orange county, California and you do have to select either local pickup or delivery. To get to this page I am talking about select delivery and then use this address at checkout:

    2000 main st.
    huntington Beach, ca

    • This reply was modified 7 years, 3 months ago by metrocitygirl.


    Okay that worked. Add the following to quick css:

    h2.woocommerce-order-details__title, h2.woocommerce-column__title{

    Best regards,
    Jordan Shannon

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