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  • #251188

    I have a site where the content needs to be dripped (using wishlist member and wp-drip), on the visual aspect of the blog posts/categories and when you add a “blog” section to a “page” I need the default order to be in order


    Post #1
    Post #2
    Post #3

    the way they display by default is
    post #3
    post #2
    post #1

    how can this be changed in the enfold theme?


    anyone? please I can’t move forward with adding content until I have an answer on this… need help.


    found a plugin that works well, I don’t know that I’d recommend this if you already have tons of articles posted, but if you are working on a new site build and can order as you go along, this is great; https://wordpress.org/plugins/post-types-order/

    actually, it doesn’t work… it removes the menus so I’m back to the same problem as before… I need to list the posts in chronological order
    post 1
    post 2
    post 3

    and everywhere they display they have to post in this fashion… whether it be a category page, archive page, blog page or a page with a blog section on it.

    please help

    • This reply was modified 10 years, 10 months ago by boldtranquility. Reason: doesn't work upon testing


    Glad you figured it out! Let us know if you have any other questions or issues!


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