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  • #1070943

    Updating the database though the woocommerce button should not cause any issues to the site, but I recommend always use the backup tool at your webhost before any kind of updating. That way the one time something goes wrong you are covered :)
    Glad to hear you got it figured out, have you tried making a purchase on your site to test the process?

    Best regards,


    Hi Mike,

    I’m doing the database update now.

    Regarding Stripe, tell people to disable the stripe checkout in the woo-commerce settings. Their checkout adds an extra step to the checkout process and def kills sales. I’m pretty sure I lost several peeps to it, so PLEASE recommend that people just turn it off. I can send a screenshot of where to disable it if you need me to.

    All the best,


    That is a good tip, so the Stripe is not needed? Please add a screenshot here to help other users, To add a screenshot please try using and pasting the image URL in your post.

    Best regards,


    No problemo. Yall do an amazing job so I don’t mind giving back and helping out other ecommerce enfolders :)
    Here is a screenshot of where you disable the stripe checkout:

    This does NOT deactivate Stripe, it just keeps the Stripe CC portal on the regular Enfold checkout page instead of creating an additional “Stripe checkout” page. The less steps a customer has to take, the more likely the sale. So yes, EVERYONE should turn the damn thing off.

    A small question of my own. When I share a link to my shop on IG, the following happens:
    Is there a way to change the preview image? I know it gets pulled from the site, and I guess it defaults to our logo, but is there a way to direct it elsewhere? Maybe a plugin of some kind?

    Also, is there a way for me to add a text box/message in the checkout page? Aka, I want to say thank you to the customer for placing the order and stuff.


    • This reply was modified 5 years, 7 months ago by Dzimnikov.

    Hey, I have an urgent problem that needs fixing.

    On the checkout page, , the little credit card logo in the card number field blocks the last 4 digits of the CC number on mobile. Is there a way to move it out of the frame and next to the Card Number text?

    Please see screenshot as to what I’m referring to:
    This is what it looks like on mobile:

    Need help with this urgently. I contacted Stripe support, they said its an API issue and yall should be able to help.

    Also I added a bunch of new products to the site and they aren’t showing up on mobile. I have NO IDEA WHY. Mobile always takes forever to catch up, idk why.


    • This reply was modified 5 years, 7 months ago by Dzimnikov.

    Thanks for sharing your tip on Stripe, for changing how your link shows, I believe you can do this with the yoast plugin, please see this article. The article talks about FB, but I think it’s the same steps. To add a Message to the WooCommerce Checkout Page, please see this article.
    As for the icon, it seems this is added by stripe to show which kind of card it is, probably the best approach is to hide it for mobile with this css:

    @media only screen and (max-width: 767px) { 
    #top.woocommerce-checkout .stripe-card-brand {
    display: none !important;

    When I check all 13 of your products show for me on mobile, and I see your Super Cache is turned off, so it doesn’t seem there should be any lag, unless your mobile device is caching on it’s own.
    Does your mobile browser have a setting to clear it’s cache on every close? Or perhaps something similar?

    Best regards,


    This is super useful! Thank you so much, appreciate you!!!



    Glad to help :)

    Best regards,


    Hi Mike,

    Yall are literally the best!!!

    Quick question about “Search”. Two things.

    I noticed that when people search “jack daniels honey” in the search, the “honey” option under the Jack Daniels product doesn’t show up. I then added a tag to Jack Daniels product that says: “jack daniels honey”, and still no result in search. Do I have to create a separate product, or is there a way to get the variations to show up in search.

    Also, the search results page, how do I edit it? It shows all kinds of old and non-live pages that I don’t want people to have access to. How do I remove the sidebar on that page?



    The sidebar is showing the demo widgets because you have no widgets in the sidebar “Pages” I added a empty HTML widget into the sidebar which hides the demo content.
    Please check and add the widgets you would like to show on those pages.
    As for your search results, the built-in search engine for WordPress is limited, most people use one of the many search plugins to improve their search results. Here is a article that lists woocommerce search plugins

    Best regards,


    Wait, so the search results page is called “pages”? whats the name of the search results page?

    Also, is there a way to add videos to the product gallery? Think that would be a gamechanger for us!



    search.php, but it pulls the “pages” sidebar
    You should be able to add videos to the product description.

    Best regards,


    Any way to get the videos into the product gallery, so peeps can scroll through product pages and just click play on a video? Would be an amazing feature to add if not!


    Since the product gallery is a part of woocommerce, I would think they would have an addon,
    Perhaps: WooCommerce – Embed Videos To Product Image Gallery
    I also found this article: Adding media/video to your WooCommerce product gallery
    Best regards,


    Thank you so much!

    Stupid question for you. I’m getting custom orders and want to create custom products that don’t appear on our product page. I’m not sure how to do that. I know it a setting somewhere, I just can’t find it. I created a special category for custom products.

    Also, do you happen to know how search indexes work? I activated the Relevanssi plugin, but have no idea how to use it.



    Hi guys, any chance you can help me out with the product thing? How do I categorize it without it showing up in our shop?


    I have not done this myself, but I believe this free plugin will assist: WooCommerce Category Locker
    or perhaps these articles:
    Restrict Woocommerce Products
    How to Create a Private WooCommerce Category The Easy Way
    How to Create (& Hide!) WooCommerce Seasonal Products & Pricing
    How to Hide Categories in WooCommerce Shop Page
    Let us know if any of these help.

    Best regards,


    Hi Mike, I was able to figure it out. There is an option within the product pages themselves.

    Need help with another small thingy. We are launching new categories and I want people to be able to filter between then in the shop:

    As you can tell, on desktop, the sidebar shows up on the right side of the page. On mobile though, the siderbar items drop below the products. I would like for the sidebar to show up ABOVE the products, that way people can see what they are searching/filtering off the bat. Is there anyway to do that? You’ve moved items before for me, so I think you can help me out. The sooner I can get this done, the better it is for our customers :)

    Hope all is well. The website is working real good and I can’t thank you and your team enough. Yall are the reall MVPs. I’m actually also rebuilding my friends site (someone originally built it on BeTheme and I hate the back-end, so I switched them over to Enfold :)).



    Glad to hear all is going well and your using Enfold for more projects, thanks.
    Try adding this code to the end of your functions.php file in Appearance > Editor:

    function move_widget_over_shop(){
    if ($(window).width() <= 766) {
    $('.archive.woocommerce-page .smartphones_sidebar_active').each(function() {
    $( this ).find('#woof_widget-2').insertBefore('.template-shop.content');
    $('.template-shop.content').css({'padding': '0px'});
    $('#woof_widget-2').css({'padding': '0px'});
    $('.widget-woof').css({'padding-bottom': '0px'});
    else {
    add_action('wp_footer', 'move_widget_over_shop');

    This will move the widget for mobile only, if testing the page in Chrome dev tools, please reload it in mobile view, it may not work if you try resizing the page by grabing the edge of the window and shrinking down.

    Best regards,


    Wow, thats amazing. Perfect! As always, best support ever!


    Glad we could help. This thread is getting quite long now, perhaps we should close it now and you could open a new thread if you need future help?

    Best regards,


    Honestly, its easier for me to just have this one thread running. That way I can always revert back to it and track what we’ve done to the site. If I open a new thread for every issue I come across, I’ll have like 800 threads and itl get all confusing lol. If yall insist, obviously I’ll close it, yall are the bosses. But I’d prefer this thing grows and grows. I also share this link with my other wordpress friends so they have solutions to their web issues. Its turning into a rather solid resource :) .

    I have another small problem that I know you can fix. When you get to the cart page, there is one line that I would like to either have removed, or, if possible, I’d like to change it to say something else. Here is the URL:

    The line I’m talking about is: Estimate for 1514 11th street, Brooklyn, NY 11235.

    I reached out to woocommerce, they gave me several solutions:

    Otherwise you can do one of the options like this post on StackExchange recommends.

    The first option of removing that line of code via a template override is the “most correct” but it requires you keeping that template override up to date as WooCommerce itself updates the template. It may not happen too much, but something to keep an eye on.

    Otherwise, the second options shows how you can find the CSS to hide it. The line of text still loads but CSS will hide it from showing.

    I’m cool with either option, but ideally I’d like to replace that line, using CSS, to say something like: “Your total including shipping. No additional fees :)”

    Can you please help me out?

    Thanks as always,


    If it’s good for you we can keep this thread open, but can you do me a favor, Please include your URL and admin login in the Private Content area with each post.
    You see your posts are pagination for me so sometimes I have to search back 3 pages to find your site info, that’s why I keep posting it myself. I don’t save anyone’s login to my browser and I don’t try to remember this stuff because I typically help about 50 different sites a day.
    Thanks :)
    Anyways, I took a look at your cart, but I don’t see any address as a shipping estimate, Please see the screenshot in Private Content area.
    I suspect this is based on cookies the site has placed on your browser, but as you know I have worked a lot on your site, including test purchases and my ad/cookie blocker is “off” for your domain. So I assume you have made many test purchases.
    Please try logging out and using “incognito” mode, or depending on your browser it might be called “private” mode,
    to see if you still see this info.

    Best regards,


    Thats weird. I tried it in incognito mode and got this line: “This is only an estimate. Prices will be updated during checkout.”

    Either way, we either do Flat Rate shipping or Free Shipping, so it doesn’t depend on the person’s address at all. That text area auto updates once the IP/cookies are matched with an address, but I would rather it always say this: ““Your total including shipping. No additional fees :)”” – I think that will help reduce confusion and thus cart abandonment.

    Is there a way?

    • This reply was modified 5 years, 6 months ago by Dzimnikov.

    I’m sure I can change any text, but I didn’t see it. Please look at my screenshot and add your own so I can help.
    It probably right in my face :)

    Best regards,


    Even what you’re seeing is wrong though. The shipping cost does not depend on the customer’s address, so its totally misleading. Idk why woocommerce does that, the field should be reactive to the settings. Its really annoying, I’m gonna harass them about it lol

    Here is a screenshot of what I’m seeing both in chrome incognito and firefox:



    Ok, so I looked up the same product you had in your screenshot and I got the same as you.
    So to change the text “This is only an estimate. Prices will be updated during checkout.”
    to: “Your total including shipping. No additional fees”
    Try adding this code to the end of your functions.php file in Appearance > Editor:

    function custom_script(){
    $( "p.woocommerce-shipping-destination" )
      .text( "Your total including shipping. No additional fees" );
    add_action('wp_footer', 'custom_script');

    Best regards,


    That works initially, but then if you put in a coupon code, the text reverts back to its default: its only an estimate blah blah blah.

    Seems like that code above is only overriding one iteration of the section, not all of them unfortunately.


    Please try this solution

    Best regards,


    Hi Mike,

    I’m trying to find cart.php or cart/cartshipping.php within the themfolders for both the child theme and the main Enfold theme and can’t find it. I’ve checked within the woocommerce files. Not sure where to find the code that needs to be replaced.

    Also, weird question. On the product pages, by default, do product photos open in a separate window or does a scrollable lightbox pop-up? I remember having a scrollable lightbox, but recently had a freelance increase the speed of the site and now pictures open up in a new window. Just confirming in case I’m the one being crazy here.

    Thank you as always,

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