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  • #443701


    I would like to change the fade animation to something else on the testimonial full width widget – is it possible? If not, can I at least adjust the speed?


    Hi santoshachari!

    Thank you for using Enfold.

    You can edit js > avia.js, look for this code:

    //testimonial slider
            $('.avia-slider-testimonials', container).aviaSlider({wrapElement: '.avia-testimonial-row', slideElement:'.avia-testimonial', fullfade:true});

    Replace it with:

    //testimonial slider
            $('.avia-slider-testimonials', container).aviaSlider({wrapElement: '.avia-testimonial-row', slideElement:'.avia-testimonial', fullfade:true, 'transitionSpeed:900, easing:'easeInOutQuart'});

    You can adjust the transitionSpeed and animation easing effect.

    Best regards,


    Thanks a lot for this! :)

    Correction to your post. The javascript file is : js/shortcodes.js

    • This reply was modified 9 years, 7 months ago by santoshachari.
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