Tagged: blog view, the events calendar
October 22, 2019 at 8:51 am #1150079
Dear Kriesi team, thanks for the gorgeous Envold theme.
I bought it for extensive use with “The Events Calendar” plugin for a seminar website.I have still some challenges in combination with The Events Calendar.
1. Some part are not in German translation format:
– the address (still in “City, ZIP” > has to be “ZIP City”)
– costs (although configured right – the price is shown “€ XX” > has to be “XX €”)
– other plugins still show English date format (“18 Oktober 2019” > should be “18. Oktober 2019”)2. The category page is fine formatted in events calendar format:
But the tags result page has an own format:
Is it possible to show the tags page like the category page? (some hook for the functions.php in child theme?)3. The display of the details in results is not optimal:
I tried to optimize the display of each event with CSS. But I reached my limit:
the address should be displayed in one line above the content OR under the content.4. The display of the details is not optimal:
The venue should be right, besides the details. Now there is a blank space on the right side.
Is there a possibility to show venue on the right side and therefore shorten the page?5. The news/blog page is not quite pretty because:
– the height of the thumbnails varies. it is not a optical line with the headlines.
– if an article has no pictures the is a strange placeholder instead (“pencil” in blog view and details view)Thanks in advance!
November 3, 2019 at 1:16 am #1153421Hey Ralf,
Sorry for the late reply, I took a look at the language issues and found that Enfold doesn’t provide the language files for “Events Calendar” the plugin provides the language files, but I tried to look at the language files with the hope to edit with Poedit but Events Calendar only adds the “.mo” file which can’t be edited, typically there is a “.po” file which can be edited and used to create a new “.mo” file. So unfortunately the language issues will need to be addressed by the Events Calendar team.
You also asked about “other plugins still show English date format” which plugins are these, I wonder if these plugins are also including their own language file, I looked in the Enfold language file and I didn’t find this.Best regards,
Mike -
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