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  • #580657


    I desperately need the option to have some sort of centralized content within the Avia builder, someone asked for it in the feature requests here (4th request)
    I have lots of pieces of content that need to be presented in several parts of the site and I don’t want to manually have to change them all over time, it would save loads of time to have a content block that once changed it updates on all pages.
    Almost like a widgeted area but for normal content.
    Makes sense?

    I’ve been waiting for that feature for almost 2 years now… and now I’d be wiling to directly pay you guys to develop it because I have had a couple developer try and fail at it… you know the framework so well I feel it should not be impossible to build.

    I’m very serious! Please let me know what would you charge for such integration! I’ll leave my email in the private comments.

    Thank you!

    • This topic was modified 9 years ago by igyigy.

    Hi igyigy!

    I will ask someone from our team, but not sure if it will be possible …



    Thanks Andy!

    I’d be REALLY happy to pay you to do (in stead of a random developer) it and you would be able to add the feature to the theme eventually!
    Thats a true win win situation!!!

    Please let me know


    Although we appreciate the offer i’m afraid most of us don’t have the time to do this kind of work (it would require an extensive development). Please note that you can request a customisation quote from a third-party provider here



    @mod: can i post a link here? i have done an addition to enfold for this case.

    okay, it is:

    • This reply was modified 7 years, 11 months ago by mrdonthave.

    Hi @mrdonthave,

    Sure thing, just post it in your reply :-)

    Best regards,


    Hi @Rikard,

    as igyigy wrote, there is a a vote about “Use Page as Content Block” at

    if i try to comment there i’ve got a “Sorry, we couldn’t add your submission. Please make sure to fill in all form fields.” message. But there is only one field i can fill. so it is not possible to post a comment. Is that my mistake or is there anything wrong at commenting?



    We notified Kriesi regarding the issue. We’ll give you an update once he respond.



    Just bought mrdonthave’s plugin at:

    I can tell you, it’s just fab!!!


    Hi Marc,

    Thanks for sharing :-)

    Best regards,


    I have bought @mrdonthave plugin and is EXACTLY what I needed!!!!!
    That repeatable content plugin is a time saver


    Hi igyigy,

    Glad you found something to help you out, and thanks for sharing!

    Best regards,


    I just purchased the Repeatable Content plugin as well but am experiencing issues with layout. Every time I use columns in a reputable content section, it is showing up stacked as opposed to side-by-side.

    Is anyone else having the same problem?



    The theme has its own global element called “Page Content”. It will render the content of a particular post or page. Have you tried that? Unfortunately, I’m not familiar with the Repeatable Plugin. You may need to contact the plugin author for additional help.

    Best regards,


    Hi there,

    The “Page Content” element is exactly that. You can create pages with the content you need to repeat, and bring in with the “Page Content” element.



    Hi Leyden,

    Thanks for sharing, much appreciated.

    Best regards,

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