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  • #1316278

    The title in my portfolio items aren’t centered. I want the title to be centered at each portfolio “post”. How do I do this?
    Have tried the code below but it won’t do the trick.

    .grid-entry-title.entry-title {
    text-align: center;

    The title is linked which might be what causing the trouble.
    Would also like the breadcrumbs to go underneath the heading, how do I do this?




    Thanks for contacting us!

    1- If you are using Masonry element, please use the code as following

    .av-masonry-entry .av-masonry-entry-title {
        text-align: center;

    2- Please try adding following code to bottom of Quick CSS field

    .title_container .breadcrumb {
        position: initial;

    If these do not help, please share a link of your page :)

    Best regards,


    Thank you for helping me!
    1. Won’t work :( Posted a link in private content so you can see the issue.
    And another question regarding that, how do I change the font of the title?

    2. Yey, worked pefect. Thank Y(ou)igit!




    You are welcome!

    Text block element on your page seems to be center aligned. I also checked your portfolio page (attached a link below) and titles are centered as well. I also attached a screenshot in private content field below.

    You can go to Enfold theme options > Advanced Styling tab and edit H3 tagged elements to change the font family.

    Best regards,


    1. When clicking on one of the portfolio posts the title is not centered. See link in private content.
    Is there a code to fix this?

    And regarding changing the title font of the portfolio posts, my H3 is set to 50px (and the title in the portfolio posts is much smaller), so I don’t think its the right one. Do you have any other ideas? I just want to change the title in my portfolio posts (not the portfolio grid).




    Please use following code instead

    .single-portfolio .title_container .main-title {
        text-align: center;
        font-family: aktiv-grotesk-thin, sans-serif !important;

    Best regards,


    Yayyy works perfect, thank you! :)
    Two more questions though.

    1. The breadcrumbs aren’t centered, how do I do this? See picture in private content.

    2. And on mobile view the title has a lot of space between the lines. How do I make the space smaller? See picture in private content.




    1- Please add following code to Quick CSS as well

    .single-portfolio .breadcrumb-trail {
        display: inline-block;
    .single-portfolio .title_container .breadcrumb {
        text-align: center;

    2- Please add following code to Quick CSS

    @media only screen and (max-width: 768px) {
    .single-portfolio .title_container .main-title {
        line-height: 30px;
        margin-bottom: 20px;

    Best regards,


    Works PERFECT, thank you!
    Do you know why the breadcrumbs aren’t centered in mobile view though?
    Still aligning to the left…



    Hi Hejanni,

    Can you try adding this CSS code as well:

    @media only screen and (max-width: 767px) {
      .breadcrumb-trail .trail-before, 
      .breadcrumb-trail .trail-end, 
      .breadcrumb-trail .sep, 
      .breadcrumb-trail a, 
      .breadcrumb-trail .bbp-breadcrumb-current {
        display: inline;
        float: none;

    Best regards,


    YEY! Thank you! :)
    You can now close this thread.


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