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  • #989217

    Is it possible to achieve that look with enfold where the most menu text are in the center and others on the edge, i am using the option to keep the log on the edge but it also force all menu text on the edge as well, no way to keep some centered like pictured below


    Hey kilimats,

    This should be possible via css, but we would need to see a link to your site so we can try and work it out.

    Best regards,
    Jordan Shannon


    thats great thanks, see private

    will this be a feature added down the road?



    Your site looks quite different than the screenshot posted. What is it that you want centered on the link provided?

    Best regards,
    Jordan Shannon


    For example, this look, 4 menu centered and one on the right side

    • This reply was modified 6 years, 4 months ago by yingyang.


    Thank you for sharing this example with us. Yes, this is possible with enfold with a slightly different approach.

    Create a header widget area and add the “Pricing” button shortcode in the widget area and follow the instructions mentioned in our documentation to align them as required.

    Best regards,


    Thats a lot of coding, any plan to have this built in the ENFOLD setting menu? im afraid to make those changes :(



    The CSS is made to work for multiple elements and header layouts. However, you can remove the code for elements which you are not using in the main header area for example cart and social icons. The code will be drastically reduced. At the moment I’m not sure this will be added in the header settings.

    Best regards,

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