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  • #757338


    I am having a slight issue with a site.

    I have 5 services
    I need 3 then 2
    I searched the forums to make the 2 centered and found this

    I used this code

    .home #services {
        text-align: center;
    .home #services .av_one_third {
        float: none;
        display: inline-block;

    It worked perfectly except it made on image a little lower on a tablet so they weren’t aligned anymore.

    I can solve this by making the row Equal Height and Vertical Align Top it messes up the footer. This is where I have the site at now. All the links are red in the footer and they should be white like the rest of the site.

    Any help would be greatly appreciated.

    So the major issue is with having Equal heights on the second column. This makes an error on the footer.
    I have deleted the 5th item as they no longer need it but it is still a bug.

    • This topic was modified 8 years ago by Spikie69.

    Hey Spikie69,

    Thanks for the update, so this is no longer an issue for you?

    Best regards,


    It is still an issue but not at the moment. It’s not behaving as it should.



    Sorry for the late reply!
    To provide you a proper solution, we are going to need to see your site and to see your site, it should be publicly accessible. Could you please let us know when you site goes public then we can check it?

    Best regards,

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