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  • #732597


    I have a category, in my menu, for example in my website “I like my planet”.
    When I click on “I like my planet” all the 6/7 articles are displayed and the following are disponibles on following pages : 1-2-3…..

    I would like to set a different presentation of this category, I would like when I click on “I like my planet” there is a presentation (made by me) with sliders and other elements.

    In private content you will find url in first the category wich exist and bellow the url for presentation I would like for this category

    Maybe there is a different way to personnalize the presentation of category ?

    Thanks for your help

    • This topic was modified 8 years, 1 month ago by sandra1307.

    Hey sandra1307,

    category pages are not controlled by the theme, but by WordPress itself. So we can’t really help you with this. If you want to customize the archive (category) page you must customize the code of enfold/archive.php and the post loop file (enfold/includes/loop-index.php). If you need help with this you can hire a freelance developer for this job here: http://kriesi.at/contact/customization

    Best regards,

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