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  • #840294


    I am seeing some posts in category view in full and some with excerpts. I want all with excerpt only. Can you please help?

    Please scroll on this and you will see http://xandrianoir.com/category/generally-talking/
    It’s happening on all blog categories.


    • This topic was modified 7 years, 6 months ago by xa1970.

    Hey xandria,
    Please try this solution: https://kriesi.at/support/topic/blog-posts-excerpts-enfold/#post-125278

    Best regards,


    Hello Mike,

    I am sorry I am confused. There’s no line
    $blog_content = !empty($avia_config[‘blog_content’]) ? $avia_config[‘blog_content’] : “content”;

    but there is this in includes/loop-index.php:

    $current_post[‘post_format’] = ‘standard’;
    $blog_content = “excerpt_read_more”;

    I don’t want to mess anything up.



    To have excerpts show on your category pages you have two options when using the default editor, one is to add the “more” quicktag in your post where you would like the excerpt to end.
    The other option is to edit /wp-content/themes/enfold/includes/loop-index.php on line 33, you will find

    $blog_content = !empty($avia_config['blog_content']) ? $avia_config['blog_content'] : "content";

    replace it with

    $blog_content = !empty($avia_config['blog_content']) ? $avia_config['blog_content'] : "excerpt_read_more";
    if(is_single()) $blog_content = "content";

    To not lose this change with the next update you should use a child theme and add the modified file to your child theme folder. Here’s some more info on this: Using a Child Theme
    Overwrite Parent files with Child Theme
    While on the subject of excerpts, note that for blog page excerpts you can also control them by activating the “excerpt” box by going to your “screen options” at the top of your post page and checking the box, which will give you a extra text box below your post.

    Best regards,


    Will this solution work for tag pages as well? For example:



    Hi reggiescott,

    I am seeing the excerpts there. Did you get it working?

    Best regards,

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