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  • #859460

    I can not find category field for grid gallery in enfold theme.

    How can I do to select some categories in the panel of avia of grid portfolio?null
    I need to know if Does I need to install some plugin to work with this kind of layout.
    Please send me an answer or tutorial or video to fix this issue
    My mail is: (Email address hidden if logged out) or (Email address hidden if logged out) . You can feel free to send information to both mails about this issue. Thanks.
    Best regards.

    • This topic was modified 7 years, 5 months ago by EduardoGzz.

    Hey EduardoGzz,

    Login details are not working, could you check and verify please?

    Best regards,

    This reply has been marked as private.
    This reply has been marked as private.


    Please, ensure that you`re using the latest version of our theme and disable all of the plugins to check if there are any plugin conflict.

    Best regards,
    John Torvik

    This reply has been marked as private.

    I have seen that the category can be assigned to a blog, but not to a page.


    I’m having the same problem. I have ensured Enfold is updated and deactivated all the plugins. I do have posts and they are assigned to categorizes. Anything else I can do to troubleshoot?

    Another problem is that something with the new version of Enfold is causing a phantom plugin update. It started happening last night. I was having some other weird things happen, so I completely reinstalled WordPress to ensure there wasn’t an issue. After doing that, I installed Enfold without any problems. Once I added my API key and updated to the most recent version, the orange circle appeared next to plugins to indicate there’s one that needs an update. The problem is, there aren’t any plugins installed at all. I even deleted Askimet and Hello Dolly to make sure.

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    Hi EduardoGzz,

    I’m not even sure what URL your site is on since you edited your first post. Could you post admin login details for WordPress in private please?

    Best regards,


    Hi jwyderko,

    Thanks for the login details, could you please open a new thread with the same info attached please? Helping more than one customer in the same thread can get difficult unfortunately. Also, please upgrade the account to admin rights since we can’t see much of your installation otherwise.

    Best regards,


    Hi jwyderko,

    I replied to that already

    If you need further assistance please let us know.
    Best regards,


    I don’t know what’s happend with Enfold Theme because in the beginig of 2017 I designed a website and I don’t needed to use categories to build a masonry portfolio or maybe I am doing something wrong with the new version of Enfold Theme

    Here I show some screenshots of what I could do with the masonry portfolio earlier this year.
    This is other website I designed with previous version of Enfold Theme 4.1.2 4.1.2.
    as you can see in an earlier version, the interface had the option of uploading the photos directly to the gallery via the Add / Edit Gallery button. Maybe I'm not aware of the new procedures for creating galleries in this new version of Enfold.

    As you can see in the previous interface could directly load the images to the portfolio and now the image library button does not appear.

    I just bought to you another Enfold Theme to build other site, but I don know if I wll use the old or the new version because my client is a little bit angry with me.


    Hello again.
    Drupal is a very robust platform; but very complex and heavy; but when I put the page in maintenance mode I had the option to include collaborators and editors with privileges to be able to edit texts and upload photos without the option to enter the administration of the whole platform. I would like to know if Enfold has something similar, since at the moment of including a person as text editor and load photos, the Enfold platform gives the access only to de administrator in the maintenance mode and not to the editors and collaborators too.

    • This reply was modified 7 years, 5 months ago by EduardoGzz.

    Hello Victoria, I activated the layerslider because I want to use it, I love Layerslider, but I would like to ask you if the LayerSlider have some conflict with the portfolio Grid and categories too?



    1.) Are you sure that you’re using the “Masonry Gallery” element and not the “Masonry” element? They are both masonry but you don’t have to create posts when using the “Masonry Gallery” element.

    2.) If the Layer Slider is installed as a stand alone plugin, you have to deactivate the theme’s plugin configuration.


    Best regards,

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