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  • #1366540


    I’m trying to hide the cart when there is no product into it. You have an option on your theme and sometimes works and some others not. I think that might be an issue cache. How we can solve that or how you using this feature of your theme ?


    Hey xrisoskoni,

    Could you post a link to where we can see the actual problem please? If the problem is due to cache, then it’s most likely not caused by the theme.

    Best regards,



    This is the website (hidden content)

    The cart is hidden and when you add something it come up, but then if you go back to the previews page it’s hidden again even if you have an item inside. I’m not sure what’s the problem but I assume cache. I thought that you might have an idea cause every website works with caching. Otherwise there is not reason of this feature.

    Thank you!


    Thank you for your patience, it seems that your cart was pushed off the page, this is not how it is typically meant to work, I can’t tell what was pushing it but this css corrects:

    #header_main .cart_dropdown {
        right: 15px;

    After applying the css, please clear your browser cache and check.

    Best regards,


    I think I wasn’t clear.
    We can see the cart but it supposed to be hidden when we don’t have any product inside. That’s the option from your theme but it seems that don’t work


    Sorry, I did misunderstand, I thought you were asking about not seeing the cart after adding an item.
    When I check your page and the cart is empty the cart is hidden by being off the screen with right: -60px;
    when an item is added to the cart it is shown on the screen with right: -2px;
    So this option is working correctly on your page when I check.

    I also tested your page after adding an item to the cart and moving forward via a menu link, button, or related product the cart continues to show.
    but using the browsers back button shows a version of the page that doesn’t have the class .html_visible_cart, so the cart doesn’t show, I assume that your server cache is an “object” cache such as Memcached, Redis, Varnish, Litespeed.
    On my test demo, linked below with the option to hide the cart until a product is added, the cart is shown even if the browser back button is used.

    Best regards,



    thank you for your reply and the explanation. You doing amazing work about the support.

    If my server using any caching system, is there any way to solve that issue ? Something that you can suggest ?

    Thank you!


    Thanks for the feedback, I would recommend disabling your server cache first and/or any CDN cache, which might take a little time, to see the that was the issue, if this solves then see if you can exclude your shop pages /shop/ from the cache and if that also works that might be a solution.
    Or you could disable your server cache and just use a good cache plugin instead.

    Best regards,

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